In Store Events! - Week of 13th February 2024

In Store Events! - Week of 13th February 2024

Mon 12th Feb: 3PM - 5PM
Kids Board Game Club: £3.00
Wether home schooled or after school, our kids board game club is sure to be loads of fun for all ages!

Mon 12th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
Board Game Club: £5.00
Bring some friends or join a table and Discover new games or play some old favourites!


Tue 13th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
YuGiOh Tournament w/prize support: £6.00
More players = more prizes! Registration from 5:30PM

Tue 13th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
LGBTQIA+ Gaming: £5.00
An open gaming session for members of the LGBTQIA+ community! Card Games, Board Games, Video Games & More!

Tue 13th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
Women's Gaming: £5.00
An open gaming session for female members of our gaming community! Card Games, Board Games, Video Games & More!


Wed 14th Feb: 2PM - 6PM
Valentines Day Games!: £15.00 - 2 people + 2 hot drinks
Did you know its a fact that there is a positive connection between couples' playing together and feeling satisfied with their relationship? Come along to our gaming cafe this Valentines day and enjoy some games together. Remember, couples who play together stay together <3

Wed 14th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
Dungeons & Dragons - £5.00
Wether continuing a campaign or just getting started in the world of D&D, this event is perfect for players of any skill level. Beginners welcome!


Thu 15th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
Cardfight Vanguard Tournament w/prize support: £6.00
More players = more prizes! Registration from 5:30PM

Thu 15th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
Digimon TCG Tournament w/prize support: £6.00
More players = more prizes! Registration from 5:30PM

Thu 15th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
Flesh & Blood Armory w/prize support: £6.00
More players = more prizes! Registration from 5:30PM


Fri 16th Feb: 1PM - 5PM
Art, Knit, & Crochet: £5.00
Do you have a passion for yarn? Maybe painting is your creative outlet? Come along to our cafe and join others in some creative time!

Fri 16th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
Friday Night Magic - Commander: £5.00
Come join a pod with MTG's most popular format! Perfect for new and experienced players alike!


Sat 17th Feb: 1PM - 5PM
Pokemon TCG Kids Club!: £6.00
Come along and trade to complete your collection or take part in a casual Standard Format Pokemon TCG Tournament. More players = more prizes! Open to players of all ages! Staff will also be on hand to help new players learn the game!

Sat 17th Feb: 6PM - 10PM
Pokemon TCG League!: £6.00
Calling all Pokemon Trainers! Come along and join our official Pokemon TCG League! More players = more prizes! Registration from 5:30PM


Sun 18th Feb: 1PM - 6PM
Warhammer: £5.00
Build, Paint Play! Come along and get involved in some of the most popular tabletop games!
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