Happy 2024! 🎉 Here is the schedule of events for this coming week! Come along and get involved!
Tuesday 2nd January @ 6PM - YuGiOh Tournament w/prize support. £5 per person. More players = more prizes!
Wednesday 3rd January @ 6PM - Dungeons & Dragons. £5 per person. Wether continuing a campaign or just getting started in the world of D&D, this event is perfect for players of any skill level
Thursday 4th January @ 6PM - Flesh & Blood Armory! Commoner Format! £5 per person. Pre constructed Commonder decks will be available for purchase in store. Compete for XP and Promo Prizes!
Friday 5th January @ 6PM - Magic the Gathering Commander. £5 per person. Join a pod and battle it out in MTG's most popular format! Shop decks available for beginners.
Saturday 6th January @ 1PM - Pokemon TCG! Tournament w/prize support! £5 per person. Come take part in this Standard Format Pokemon TCG Tournament. More players = more prizes! Open to players of all ages! Staff will also be on hand to help new players learn the game!
Saturday 6th January @ 6PM - Trading Card Games! Want to try your hand at Digimon? are you interested in One Piece? Want to learn how to play Dragonball? Come along to our open TCG night and enjoy a variety of trading card games in our gaming space!
Sunday 7th January @ 1PM - Warhammer! Build, Paint Play! £5 per person. Come along and get involved in one of the most popular tabletop games!