Mon 4th Mar: 3PM - 5PM
Kids Board Game Club: £3.00
Wether home schooled or after school, our kids board game club is sure to be loads of fun for all ages!
Mon 4th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
Board Game Club: £5.00
Bring some friends or join a table and Discover new games or play some old favourites!
Tue 5th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
YuGiOh Tournament w/prize support: £6.00
Registration from 5:30PM
Thu 5th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
Flesh & Blood Armory w/prize support: £6.00
Registration from 5:30PM
Wed 6th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
Dungeons & Dragons - £5.00
Wether continuing a campaign or just getting started in the world of D&D, this event is perfect for players of any skill level.
Wed 6th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
Dungeons & Dragons Beginners - £7.00
Are you looking to learn D&D and don't know where to start? Come along to our D&D Beginner session and enjoy your first session with our dedicated member of staff. Limited 6 Slots
Thu 7th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
LGBTQIA+ Gaming: £5.00
An open gaming session for members of the LGBTQIA+ community! Card Games, Board Games, Video Games & More!
Thu 7th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
Women's Gaming: £5.00
An open gaming session for female members of our gaming community! Card Games, Board Games, Video Games & More!
Thu 7th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
Lorcana Organised Play: £8.00
Registration from 5:30PM
Fri 8th Mar: 1PM - 5PM
Art, Knit, & Crochet: £5.00
Do you have a passion for yarn? Maybe painting is your creative outlet? Come along to our cafe and join others in some creative time!
Fri 8th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
Friday Night Magic - Fallout Commander Launch Party: £5.00
Coke along and join in for the biggest part in the wasteland! Come celebrate the latest release in Magics most popular format!
Sat 9th Mar: 1PM - 5PM
Pokemon TCG Kids Club!: £6.00
Come along and trade to complete your collection or take part in a casual Standard Format Pokemon TCG Tournament. More players = more prizes! Open to players of all ages! Staff will also be on hand to help new players learn the game!
Sat 9th Mar: 6PM - 10PM
Pokemon TCG League!: £6.00
Calling all Pokemon Trainers! Come along and join our official Pokemon TCG League! More players = more prizes! Registration from 5:30PM
Sun 10th Mar: 1PM - 6PM
Warhammer: £5.00
Build, Paint Play! Come along and get involved in some of the most popular tabletop games!
Sun 10th Mar: 1PM - 6PM
Chess: £5.00
Chess organised play! Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, you're sure to enjoy our brand new Chess Club!