Come Join our Events from December 15th!

Come Join our Events from December 15th!

We've been open for a whole week and we love talking and connecting with everyone in the various gaming communities around the city! 🎉
In an effort to bring players together, we will be hosting gaming events in our Cafe space from this Friday December 15th! ☕
Here is the schedule for the rest of this week!
Friday December 15th @ 6PM: Magic the Gathering Commander. £5 per person. Join a pod and battle it out in MTG's most popular format! Shop decks available for beginners.
Saturday December 16th @ 1PM: Pokemon TCG Tournament! £5 per person. Standard Format tournament with prizes depending on player count! More players = more prizes!
Saturday December 16th @ 6pm: Board Game night! Fancy trying a new board game with friends or joining in with others to share an old favourite? Come along and join the fun! £5 per person.
Sunday December 17th @ 1pm: Warhammer. £5 per person. Build! Paint! Play! Its all happening at this Warhammer Sunday!
Be sure to join our Discord and connect with the gaming community!
Please leave a comment below if you are attending any of our events! We want to guague interest in these events to make sure that we can cater to as many of the gaming community as possible! 🎲
Please note that tables are still available for non-event use during these events. Feel free to visit for regular Stay-and-Play!
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